A new smart blockchain based marketplace for trading digital goods and assets according to users interests. Automatic matching of buyers and sellers via unique artificial intelligence approach.

GGemCoin is a block chain based marketplace, where buyers and sellers meet to carry out operations involving digital goods and assets with crypto currency transactions. The unique advantage here is an automatic matching of users, basing on straight AI approach.
It is a first ever artificial intelligence marketplace in the world, combining traditional and smart contract, block chain, future oriented ideas of connecting people and performing operations by analyzing users preferences. Innovative token design increase system performance up to 1024 times faster.
GemCoins are tokens, based on the Ethereum blockchain technology. It is the core asset of the new GemCoin Marketplace. Users possessing GemCoins can exchange them for buying digital goods on the marketplace.

The first cryptocurrency without blockchain fluctuations
No transaction fees. Sellers enjoy 100% earnings
Instant operations without any centralized system
Protects the identity basing on AI

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GemCoin Currency Progress (Minimized Fluctuations)
Bitcoin Currency Progress
Ether Currency Progress
US Dollar Currency Progress

- 36% ArtifiHulk Soft Group
- 29% Robotic Crypto Mechanics Ltd
- 17% Singular Reserve Token Inc
- 12% FrontRange Coin Company
- 6% OneSource Coin Development Group
The following address is for the GMC token contract. It is NOT a deposit address. Do NOT send tokens to it. To deposit, use the Deposit form in the GemCoin Tokensale Platform.
Gem Coin cryptocurrency is safe and have three levels of information security standard ISO 27001:2013.

When using any of the GemCoin Co. Ltd. services you are agreeing to the following conditions in full. GemCoin is a not backed or value guaranteed by any financial institution; when purchasing GemCoins the customer assumes all risk the GemCoins may become worthless in value. Customers should research and consider the risks before purchasing any GemCoins. The company makes absolutely no guarantee about the future value of the GemCoins purchased. The customer must send any GemCoin payments to the company from an address owned by the customer.
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Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bi bendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet
Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bi bendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet
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